
Various plotting functions for parameter estimates

Module Documentation

fitr.plotting.paramplots.param_scatter(X, Y, paramnames=None, xlabel='Parameter Value', ylabel='y value', ylim=None, alpha=0.5, figsize=None, save_figure=False, filename='param-scatter.pdf')

Plots a value against parameter estimates for each parameter

X : ndarray(shape=(nsubjects, nparams))

Parameter array

Y : ndarray(shape=nsubjects)

Value to be plotted against parameters

paramnames : (optional) list

Parameter names (will be the title for each plot)

xlabel : str

Label for x axis

ylabel : str

Label for y axis

ylim : (optional) tuple (min, max)

Y-axis limits

alpha : 0 < float < 1

Transparency of scatter points

figsize : (optional) tuple (width, height)
save_figure : bool

Whether to save the plot

filename : str

Path to which to plot the figure
