Fitting Models to Data

Model-Fitting Methods in Fitr

Fitr implements several model-fitting methods:

Method Function Reference
EM with Laplace Approximation fitr.EM() [Huys2011]
Empirical Priors fitr.EmpiricalPriors() [Gershman2016]
Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (Stan) fitr.MCMC() [StanDevs]

Here, “EM” refers to Expectation-Maximization.


[Gershman2016]Gershman, S.J. (2016) Empirical priors for reinforcement learning models. J. Math. Psychol. 71, 1–6
[Huys2011]Huys, Q. J. M., et al. (2011). Disentangling the roles of approach, activation and valence in instrumental and pavlovian responding. PLoS Computational Biology, 7(4).
[StanDevs]Stan Development Team. 2016. PyStan: the Python interface to Stan, Version